BeePlus 2018

As we start another year or our involvement with BeePlus, our thoughts are with Bill Turnbull and his sad announcement that he is fighting prostate cancer.  It was such a thrill to meet him in 2010 and get his endorsement for our idea and the first edition of our teaching materials.

Mid year 2018

We have heard that West Rise school in Eastbourne, one of the original participants in BeePlus, has now got its own bees!  Also, Morland Primary in Ipswich, had shared pictures of a visit with BeePlus posters in the background.

We updated the materials last year, and still have a stock of the CDs available, for any group that would like to learn about and make a difference for bees.

There are still some CDs , but unfortunately not currently available as we have closed our shop.  Contact us directly if you want more info.