Better Babies

Project overview:  Educational materials to improve understanding of maternal nutrition and the impact on birth weight and the future health outcomes for the baby.

News early in 2016

The first draft of the materials came together in the autumn, and is now being edited into a more standard format.  The team has found this a rewarding project to work on, and hopes to have the final proof copy of the educational pack ready for printing soon.

News from Mid 2015

The materials are finally coming together for the educational pack that is part of this project. Topics have been divided between a number of authors and the chapters will be edited into a first draft.  The survey data from Kingston should still be included in a paper by Professor Michael Crawford, but we also hope to repeat the survey to gather more data with the revised questionnaire below.

Questionnaire on Info for mothers.docx Questionnaire on Info for mothers.docx
Size : 75.638 Kb
Type : docx

News from Late 2014

Progress has been slow on this project, not least due to our concentration on registering as a CIC and running the E-Plus pilot project.  There is still an intention to get the results from the survey in Kingston written up and included in a paper by Professor Michael Crawford.  Also, we continue to collate materials for the educational pack, covering identified topics on nutrition, maternal health and the impact on birth weight statistics.

News from Early 2014

SI Kingston was helping us to gather data in their local area about what information is supplied to mothers-to-be and identify potential gaps to be filled. The data gathered was due to be part of a paper to be written by our partner in this project, Professor Michael Crawford.

June 2013

We have designed this questionnaire to see what information is supplied to mothers-to-be and identify potential gaps to be filled.  Please take a little time to provide us with your views by downloading the document, completing it and returning it to

Update in March 13

Sue found this Ofsted report on the value of the Food technology curriculum and suggests it is worth a read. It clearly demonstrates why the teenagers we might be trying to reach do not get the info they need from school. She thinks we should reply to the Junior Minister!

Food technology in secondary schools.pdf Food technology in secondary schools.pdf
Size : 160.75 Kb
Type : pdf

Start of lobbying in Dec 12

2 club members Sue and Carole have been to see Vince Cable (MP for Twickenham) at a surgery in December to explain the plans for our Better Babies project.  He was supportive and said he would speak to his colleague (in Health) although it was unlikely to change the curriculum.

Vince Cable Letter 2.pdf Vince Cable Letter 2.pdf
Size : 713.793 Kb
Type : pdf

Leaflet available for download

Here is the leaflet describing the aims and initial objectives of our new project called "Better Babies".  The lobbying notes that accompany this are being updated; to be used by anyone contacting us for the latest copy via the Contact us page on this website.
Better Babies Flyer FINAL 2012.ppt Better Babies Flyer FINAL 2012.ppt
Size : 200.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Leaflet ready for Belfast 2012

The SIGBI conference in Belfast in October 2012 was an opportunity to spread the word about our new project, with the aid of a leaflet describing the aims and initial objectives of "Better Babies".  The leaflet is supported by lobbying notes, for Soroptimists and other interested parties to use.  Contact us via the website if you would like a copy.

Better Babies on the way!

The planning for our new project is starting to come together.  Some of our members met with Prof Crawford (of Imperial College) who sparked the idea in the first place.  We are calling the project "Better Babies", although the focus is on educating mothers-to-be about health and nutrition, to promote better chances for the baby, at birth and throughout its lifespan. The project starts with information gathering and lobbying, for which we would welcome support from anyone interested - please get in touch via the website.